Social value is the difference that organisations can make in not just what kind of services they deliver, but how they deliver them. A commercial cafe, for example, may provide a great service, but relatively little social value. A community cafe, by contrast, that does all the things the commercial cafe does, and employs people with learning disabilities, may also provide a great service and create lots of social value via the impact of employing people who often have less opportunity to gain the benefits of a job. 

Voscur works with commissioners who design and buy services, and VCSE organisations that would like to deliver services, to help them work together to create the most impact and social value through the delivery of public services. 

26 February, 2020


The Celebrating Communities Fund from St Monica Trust will help communities in Bristol, BANES, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire come together in 2020.

Up to £250 of funding is available for individuals and unconstituted community groups, and up to £500 is available for registered charities and other community groups. 

Get Creative Festival
10 February, 2020


Get Creative Festival, a UK-wide celebration of cultural activities in communities, returns from 9-17 May 2020, and a call for events has been announced.

Whether you're an arts organisation or a community group, you can plan a free or low-cost event for the public as part of this exciting week. Last year, nearly 1,700 events were organised for the festival.

4 February, 2020


Organisations and individuals can apply to the second round of grant funding from the British Council, Bristol City Council and Bristol Cultural Development Partnership, as part of the Festival of Ideas 2020, to celebrate international partnerships in social innovation. 

The aim of the scheme is to meet social needs and tackle social problems by face-to-face or digital learning, and to use insight from other cities around the world.

31 January, 2020


Raw Pixel
20 January, 2020


Do you know a BAME or equality group that would benefit from a leadership programme? 

Bristol has declared a Climate Crisis and has committed to being carbon neutral by 2030. This will mean everyone in Bristol making a change and not just continuing with ‘business as usual’.

This course will help you identify why you need to change, and how you can lower your carbon footprint and adapt to a carbon neutral local economy, becoming a sustainable organisation for your service users. 

This course will cover:

Wednesday, 12 February, 2020 - 10:00 to 13:00
Notice board in St. Jude's, Bristol
11 December, 2019


Bristol City Council and a range of organisations from the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector have teamed up to make 2020 the Year of Can Do - a year-long programme inspiring community involvement and acts of kindness across the city.

Knowle West Media Centre, Link Age, Up Our Street and Voscur are amongst the organisations involved in shaping the Year of Can Do. 

Activities will be organised and promoted through the Can Do Bristol online platform. 

The programme will include:


Join us to celebrate the launch of Period Friendly Bristol.

At January 2019’s City Gathering, ‘Ending period poverty’ was identified as one of the top three priority projects for the One City Approach to address in 2019. Following this, the city pledged to take a leading role in eradicating period poverty by making period products available to all who need them, while also combating outdated societal attitudes to menstruation.

Wednesday, 18 December, 2019 - 08:30 to 10:30
Sustainable food actions for climate
4 December, 2019


More than 50 local organisations have signed up to Going for Gold: a campaign to make Bristol a Gold Sustainable Food City for its commitment to tackling food waste, promoting food equality and getting people to eat better. 

Bristol currently has Silver status (awarded in 2016) in a national programme called the Sustainable Food Cities Network.


The Windmill Pub, in Windmill Hill, which has been for sale since March 2019, may be turned into flats if a buyer cannot be found by March 2020. However, there is a possibility that local people could take on the pub as a Community Asset.

This public meeting, open to everyone, will discuss the options available to the pub, led by local residents who have organised the campaign to save it. 

The meeting is an opportunity to share your views and hear more about the options for Community Asset funding. 

Monday, 2 December, 2019 - 20:00 to 22:00


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