9 April, 2019


Bristol City Council is consulting on draft policies and development allocations for its Local Plan.

The Local Plan includes policies for deciding planning applications in Bristol.

The review will update existing policies and guide development in the city over the next twenty years, with the aim of building a better Bristol.

The consultation runs until 24 May 2019 and the council is seeking comments on:

8 April, 2019


Bristol City Council is consulting on the future commissioning of ‘help when people need it’ services.

The council is looking to procure these services for two main groups; those aged 18-64 and those aged 55+, as well as other citizens who live in the community and are not supported by the working age adults provision.

5 April, 2019


3 April, 2019


A coalition of 13 charities, led by NCVO, will be developing a range of new safeguarding resources for VCSE organisations.

The partnership, called the Safer Social Sector Partnership, will aim to ensure that everyone who has contact with voluntary organisations will be safe from harm.

Lego bricks to demonstrate capacity building
3 April, 2019


Capacity building is the kind of phrase you hear a lot in the VCSE sector, but it can take a while to get your head around. What exactly is capacity building and why is it relevant to your organisation?

2 April, 2019


Voscur is encouraging VCSE organisations in Bristol to take part in a consultation which will help to provide an indication of progress in different social, economic and environmental sustainability factors.

The consultation will result in a report which can be used by organisations to highlight the progress being made in Bristol towards their cause.

1 April, 2019


The Charity Commission has published guidance on how charities should manage their relationships with non-charities.

The guidance aims to ensure that these relationships are contributing to an organisation’s charitable purpose for the public benefit. It has been developed following an extensive period of sector consultation and is based on existing trustee duties.

Sometimes we want to focus attention on an event or idea, to gain support for a particular issue. This course will focus on the skills and techniques you need to communicate a specific message, raise awareness and build momentum, from using a marketing plan to reaching your audience through the right marketing materials.

You will learn to:

Thursday, 12 September, 2019 - 09:30 to 13:00

The Small Charities Coalition has launched a new tool to help people register a charity.

The new guide can be found at: https://charitysetup.org.uk and is aimed at people looking to set up a charity where turnover is initially expected to be below £150,000 per year.

The guide aims to steer users through the logistics of setting up a charity in simple steps. It does not aim to provide a full and comprehensive guide to charity law – those who are looking for this should refer to the Charity Commission of England and Wales.


Charters are city-wide commitments to tackling certain issues or achieving specific social aims by setting standards and behaviours. They are council documents that are written by a working group made up of community representatives.


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