7 October, 2019


The Charity Commission has published findings from its inquiry into Bristol Sheltered Accommodation & Support Ltd.

30 September, 2019


The Charities SORP-making body has set out plans to change the way that the charity accounting framework, the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP)*, is developed so that it better meets the needs of users of charity reports and accounts.

This follows a nine-month government review of the process, which recommended that it must change in order to meet “new public expectations”.


The Electoral Commission has published new guidelines that help to clarify rules governing charity campaigning in the lead up to elections and referendums.

Charities have long called for reform of the Lobbying Act for themselves and other electoral law for non-party campaigners as they constrain their right to campaign.

24 September, 2019


The Electoral Commission has published new guidelines that help to clarify rules governing charity campaigning in the lead up to elections and referendums.

Charities have long called for reform of the Lobbying Act for themselves and other electoral law for non-party campaigners as they constrain their right to campaign.

23 September, 2019


Bristol City Council is seeking feedback from people who have experience of the vision rehabilitation service in Bristol, currently operated by the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB).

It is keen to hear from people who have used or been offered the service, their carers/families, and anyone else with an interest in or knowledge about the service.

Bristol Ageing Better has launched a new age-friendly business toolkit.

The toolkit is aimed at supporting local businesses that want to be more age-friendly.

The key mechanisms included in the toolkit are:

2 September, 2019


A new government consultation on sexual harassment in the workplace could have wide-ranging implications for VCSE organisations.

The consultation aims to gather evidence about whether the current laws on protecting people from sexual harassment in the workplace are effective.

Accounting audit Charity Commission
29 August, 2019


In a sample of 296 charities’ accounts, the Charity Commission found that 46% failed to meet the benchmark of auditing standards.


In November 2018, elected members of Bristol City Council became the first in the UK to declare a climate emergency.

The Mayor of Bristol invited Bristol Green Capital Partnership to help shape the response. This document summarises the actions which people can take at work, in the community and as individuals.

19 August, 2019


Bristol City Council is reviewing its Sex Establishment Policy which set out the Council’s policy for licensing and regulating sex establishments. The draft policy has been expanded to cover all types of sex establishment, including sexual entertainment venues, sex shops and sex cinemas.


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