BAME creatives in Bristol
31 October, 2019


Rising Arts Agency has launched a new survey aimed at creative young people aged 16-25 from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds (BAME).

28 October, 2019


The Cold Weather Fund from Homeless link will distribute £1 million to charities or CICs not commissioned by local authorities, to support homeless people.

Rough sleeping is a particular concern in winter time, and the funding aims to cut the number of rough sleepers on the streets by helping them find short-term and long-term accommodation. 

Grants of up to £25,000 will fund work with either one or both of these aims:

Community garden funding
28 October, 2019


The National Garden Scheme Community Gardens Award has funding available to support community garden projects around the UK.

So far it has supported 59 projects, giving a total of £112,174 in funding, in memory of the garden writer and journalist Elspeth Thompson. 

Join us for a free event on Wednesday 20 November at Trinity Community Arts Centre to find out more information about local membership and community services that can help you to strengthen your own organisation and to build resilience. You can drop in and chat to us, and any of our following partners any time between 11am and 2pm. Please book your place so that we know you are coming!

Wednesday, 20 November, 2019 - 11:00 to 14:00
15 October, 2019


Bristol City Council has submitted a planning application for a residential development on land bounded by Bonnington Walk, Landseer Avenue and a nearby railway line.

BAME residents invited to take survey
15 October, 2019


Bristol residents from a black, Asian or minority ethnic (BAME) background, and residents of Hotwells and Harbourside, are needed to take part in Bristol's latest Quality of Life survey.

The survey was sent to a random sample of 33,000 Bristol households, but response rates have been low from BAME residents and those living in Hotwells and Harbourside. 

The Centre for Ageing Better has launched a new report on Ageing and Mobility.

The research found that current transport systems are complex and fragmented and present a barrier to better ageing interventions. 

It found that there is a need for local and national government to own the problem and that leadership and collaboration are required for sustainable change.

7 October, 2019

Bristol Libraries has launched a new fund to help community groups develop innovative ideas for their local library.

The Library Innovation Fund was launched at the Citywide Friends’ Group Meeting last night, and will see just over £100,000 split between the city’s 27 libraries.

The fund will enable communities to lead on putting the ideas they have about their local library and the library building into action.

Fair Saturday 30 November 2019 Bristol
3 October, 2019


Fair Saturday, a celebration of community organisations and culture in 180 cities around the world, returns on Saturday 30 November 2019, and Bristol is taking part once again.

Falling the day after Black Friday, Fair Saturday serves as an antidote to pre-Christmas sales pushes from large corporations, by championing local causes instead. This can involve anything from community choirs and theatre companies to market stalls and social enterprises.

Toiletries Amnesty signposts donors to local charities accepting toiletries
19 September, 2019


If your charity or voluntary group supports vulnerable people who need toiletries and sanitary products, you can list your specific requests on a specialist web directory called Toiletries Amnesty.


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