19 June, 2019


Voscur Trustee and Sector Leader Suzanne Thompson is CEO of The Restore Trust. In this article she explains why the latest probation reforms need to go further to ensure voluntary sector involvement.


I was among the many who welcomed the proposed reforms of the probation service last month.

19 June, 2019


Homeless Link and Housing Justice have launched a survey targeted at small charities (under £1 million income), community groups and/or faith-based groups working on homelessness. This is a chance to share your experiences, the challenges you are facing and your views on the government’s Rough Sleeping Strategy, as well as the hard work you are doing to help those experiencing homelessness. The findings will be shared directly with central government and will help identify what their key priorities should be.

13 May, 2019

Bristol City Council is consulting on its draft five-year strategy for homelessness and rough sleeping.


The strategy sets out information about the scale and causes of homelessness and rough sleeping in the city and how the council will prevent and tackle the issue.


9 April, 2019


Bristol City Council is consulting on draft policies and development allocations for its Local Plan.

The Local Plan includes policies for deciding planning applications in Bristol.

The review will update existing policies and guide development in the city over the next twenty years, with the aim of building a better Bristol.

The consultation runs until 24 May 2019 and the council is seeking comments on:


The “Can Do” guide to organising and running community events


Voluntary and community events are an important aspect of everyday life that help to encourage and enable people to participate, and play a more active part, in society. This guide from the Cabinet Office provides information on how to organise such events.


Calling all citizens, activists, community groups and community workers!

If you want to make a difference in your neighbourhood or are already active and want to network with like-minded people then this event is for you.

There will be space to meet people active in their communities, talk about what you are doing or would like to do and get support.

Thursday, 20 July, 2017 - 18:00 to 21:00

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) provides detailed information on the health and wellbeing needs of the people of Bristol.

The JSNA process is led by Public Health and involves Bristol City Council, NHS Bristol Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Bristol Healthwatch, the Voluntary and Community Sector and other partners. 

It informs decisions about how these bodies plan services to improve health and wellbeing in Bristol, while reducing health inequalities.

Inclusion through positive action

Creating a more equitable and inclusive society requires taking proactive, targeted action - not just 'getting out of the way and letting the market decide.' Such positive action underpins all Voscur's work to support and develop the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. We are also involved in a number of other initiatives addressing specific barriers to opportunity, and provide training and consultancy for organisations that want to improve their own inclusion and diversity practice.


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