Community Asset Transfer of public toilets
25 November, 2019


A block of disused public toilets in Avonmouth is available for Community Asset Transfer (CAT) bids, where community groups have the chance to manage and run a property to benefit local people.

The toilet building, at the edge of Avonmouth Park on Avonmouth Road, is a single-storey unit with a tiled roof, built some time between 1905 and 1910. It has been vacant since 2005, and the freehold is owned by Bristol City Council.

This business plan template has been developed by the Key Fund as part of a programme to increase access to social investment.

Voscur is a delivery partner in the programme and all the organisations involved are encouraged to share tools and resources through a learning network to spread good practice and increase its overall impact for VCSE groups.

This simple self-assessment tool aims to help you think about your organisation's current strengths and gaps in relation to income sustainability and the potential you may have to seek social investment.

It has been developed as part of Voscur's 2020 project to support organisational sustainability through social enterprise and social investment in the south-west.

Voscur's 2020 project is bringing together organisations like yours from around the city to learn and grow together. We’ll be providing free training and one-to-one support to enable you to assess your development needs, produce an excellent business-plan and benefit from new income sources. We’re also building up a network that will give you the chance to share your experiences, challenges and solutions with organisations from other neighbourhoods working towards similar goals.

You can read more about the project here.

Tuesday, 5 March, 2019 - 10:00 to 12:00

Bristol City Council is offering the opportunity for voluntary, community and third sector organisations to lease Southmead Adventure Playground through Community Asset Transfer.

This event is an information session for potentially interested organisations.

Tuesday, 26 June, 2018 - 14:00 to 16:00

Bristol City Council lease more than 150 of properties to voluntary and community organisations, often at reduced or minimal rents, or preferential terms. These arrangements range from short-term licences to long leases and this process is known as ‘Community Asset Transfer’ (CAT).


This advice sheet gives a full timetable for the Community Asset Transfer Process, covers all aspects of eligibility and gives an overview of what the Business Case needs to cover, along with a list of links to further information and advice.

Inclusion through positive action

Creating a more equitable and inclusive society requires taking proactive, targeted action - not just 'getting out of the way and letting the market decide.' Such positive action underpins all Voscur's work to support and develop the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. We are also involved in a number of other initiatives addressing specific barriers to opportunity, and provide training and consultancy for organisations that want to improve their own inclusion and diversity practice.


You might find it useful to engage with a Network or Peer Network to help progress the work of your organisation.

Networks are groups of people and organisations that come together to share ideas, information, issues and solutions around a common theme, a particular interest group or a particular area. Peer Networks are peer-led, which means they are run by the people who take part in them.


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