Fundraising Regulator updates levy rules

13 August, 2019


Charities with fundraising costs of more than £100,000 are being reminded to pay the annual Fundraising Regulator levy.

The period for this payment runs between September 2019 to 31 August 2020 and how much an organisation pays depends on the reported fundraising expenditure.

This year, two additional bands have been added near the bottom of the levy scale, so that smaller charities can move up the scale more gradually.

Charities with a fundraising spend of £200,000 - £350,000 a year will be asked to pay £500, and charities with a spend of £500,000 - £750,000 will be asked to pay £1,000.

The regulator will also now decide which banding to apply to a charity by the organisation’s most recently filed accounts, as opposed to its previous practice of using fundraising spend data from 2014.

The regulator says that paying the levy shows that your organisation is serious about fundraising and that you are signed up to the organisation’s fundraising promise in its directory.

Large higher education institutions and arm’s-length bodies will continue to pay a flat rate levy of £1,000. Registration for charities below the levy amount will remain at £50 per year. The costs of registration for non-charities will also stay the same.

The new rules are set to increase the regulator’s budget to around £2.2 million, which it says is the minimum amount that it requires to operate effectively.

In its first three years of life the Fundraising Regulator has experienced difficulties in collecting the levy, with some smaller charities not replying to requests from the regulator at all.

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