Volunteer Committee role

Friends of Lees hill
Closing Date: 
Tuesday, 31 December, 2024 - 22:45
Contract Type: 
Contract Details: 
Details of Role: 



The Friends of Lees Hill group are at risk of closing completely if we cannot find new volunteers to take on committee roles in the group!

Due to changes in personal circumstances our current Chairperson and Secretary are stepping down from their roles, although both plan on still helping out in the group! Our current Treasurer has been involved in The Friends of Lees Hill from the very beginning and is keen to stay on in a committee role!

The Friends of Lees Hill is a brilliant group, full of community spirit and every meeting is always full of laughter! The group can be as big or small as the committee and members decide, depending on how much of a commitment people can make. If you're thinking about taking on a committee role but think it's too much of an effort, PLEASE get in touch with us, our current committee will happily have a no obligation chat with you!

The group is already set up and ready to go, and with a full handover, stepping into a committee role will be easier than you think! It's also incredibly rewarding and really good fun! 


How to Apply: 

Send an email to: friendsofleeshill@gmail.com

Contact Email: 