What does social value mean? How do commissioners design services to create it? And how do organisations work to build it with their clients and communities?

This toolkit aims to bring commissioners and organisations together to agree what social value means and how to create more of it locally.

Inclusion through positive action

Creating a more equitable and inclusive society requires taking proactive, targeted action - not just 'getting out of the way and letting the market decide.' Such positive action underpins all Voscur's work to support and develop the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. We are also involved in a number of other initiatives addressing specific barriers to opportunity, and provide training and consultancy for organisations that want to improve their own inclusion and diversity practice.


You might find it useful to engage with a Network or Peer Network to help progress the work of your organisation.

Networks are groups of people and organisations that come together to share ideas, information, issues and solutions around a common theme, a particular interest group or a particular area. Peer Networks are peer-led, which means they are run by the people who take part in them.


As available funding gets harder and harder to secure, and our client's needs become greater and more complex, the benefits of local groups joining forces have never been more obvious. Why not work together to apply for bigger funding opportunities?

Voscur supports collaboration between local groups to improve the quality and impact of services for local people, and to increase the effectiveness and sustainability of local organisations. We do this by offering practical advice and support, more intensive development support and specialist consultancy.


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