Voice and Influence – A new model for communities of interest consultation

Monday, 11 September, 2017 - 12:00 to 15:00
City Hall, College Green, Bristol BS1 5TR
Organised/hosted by: 
Bristol City Council


Bristol City Council will be allocating £392,000 through the Bristol Impact Fund to empower communities to reduce disadvantage and inequality, using influence and participation as a way to achieve this.

Together with the Mayor’s vision for the city, and the Bristol Impact Fund objective to improve inequality and disadvantage, we are asking you as Bristol citizens what factors you think the new service needs to address to ensure communities can have a voice that is heard, thereby creating a more equitable city.

BCC is proposing that in the future a consortium of organisations work together to develop a voice and influence participation model. This could better address the themes common to a range of equalities groups. We also want the new service to work with people who experience poverty and disadvantage.

Please see a link to the consultation document, and supporting documents here: https://bristol.citizenspace.com/resources/voice-and-influence/.

Aims of the event:

1. To explain the draft commissioning plan, consultation timescales and answer questions about the proposal.

2. To provide information on bidding models and collaborative arrangements

Click here for details: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/voice-and-influence-a-new-model-for-communities-of-interest-consultation-event-tickets-37036490139?aff=es2